Severe caries, infection, traumatic injuries, and crowding can lead to tooth extraction.

The following recommendations after tooth extraction will help speed up your recovery.

The procedure itself is almost imperceptible, as anesthesia is applied. However, when the drug effect wears off, the area may hurt. Proper care is needed to help it heal as quickly as possible.

Get more rest

It is normal to feel lack of energy than usual after a tooth extraction. Intense physical activity can slow down the recovery process. Therefore, it is best to avoid any strenuous activity for about 48 hours, as this can increase blood pressure and result in gums bleeding at the extraction site.

If you rest your head on a pillow, the blood will drain away from the extraction site, which will reduce inflammation and allow the wound to heal faster. Give yourself time to rest. Watch your favorite movies or take a nap!

Apply ice

Cold minimizes pain and reduces swelling. Apply ice packs for 15 minutes for the first 24-48 hours after extraction.

Eat soft foods

Soup, yogurt, and applesauce will be your best food after tooth extraction. Liquid and blanded foods should be consumed at least for the first 24-48 hours after the procedure.

It is also important to consume enough calories, as this contributes to a quick recovery and improves your well-being. Solid foods can damage the removal site, so try to avoid them for a week and slowly reintroduce them to your diet. Most patients can return to their normal diet about 7-10 days after the tooth extraction procedure.

What to avoid

After a tooth extraction, it is best to avoid smoking as it can stop the blood clotting around the extraction site. Hot liquids and alcohol are not recommended, as they slow down the healing process or may cause further damage to the extraction site.

When having beverages, it is better not to use a straw. After the procedure, a blood clot forms around the removal site. Damaging it can lead to complications.

If the clot shifts, you may experience more bleeding and pain.

If it hurts, take painkillers

When the anesthesia wears off, the area of extraction may start hurting.

A headache pain relief pill normally helps reduce discomfort. However, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions, and if in doubt, consult your dentist first.

Do not take aspirin as it thins the blood and can cause bleeding in the mouth. People, suffering from asthma, should avoid ibuprofen-based painkillers.

However, if the pain lasts for several days, consult a doctor to prevent complications and infection.

Sometimes an infection can get into the socket, which can be very painful.

Take care of your oral hygiene

After tooth extraction, persist in your daily oral hygiene routine. You can brush your teeth but be careful to avoid the tooth extraction site.

To prevent infection, rinse your mouth with salt water 24 hours after the procedure and repeat several times a day.

Do not poke the gap with your tongue, finger, napkin, or a toothpick. This can delay healing, provoke bleeding, and lead to dryness of the socket (alveolitis). This is a complication after tooth extraction, usually of a wisdom tooth, when a blood clot formed in the socket is lost or dissolves before the wound heals.

What to do if the socket bleeds?

Minor bleeding during the first day is an ordinary case.

Some people worried about the amount of blood. This is because a small amount of blood is mixed with a larger amount of saliva, which makes it look more dramatic than it is.

However, if the bleeding does not stop, consult a doctor immediately.

Care after multiple tooth extraction

In some cases, extraction of more than one tooth at a time is needed. After the procedure, the dentist should provide special instructions on diet restrictions.

Caring for multiple sockets can be challenging, especially if they are on different sides of the mouth. Dentists can provide guidance for such cases and invite you to a follow-up visit.

Care after wisdom teeth extraction

As a rule, , wisdom teeth are removed at a young age, and the body recovers quickly after surgery. However, the wound healing time after wisdom tooth extraction can still be much longer than after a regular tooth extraction. The operation usually involves the extraction of several teeth, and a person may be sedated (medically asleep) during the procedure.

In many cases, dentists may use other methods to promote healing after these surgeries, such as dissolvable sutures or blood clotting agents.

Aftercare for wisdom teeth extraction is like that for other types of teeth, but your dentist may provide additional tips to help wounds heal faster.

Tooth extraction is often necessary to avoid complications in the future. It’s essential to do it in a professional clinic,  by skilled specialists.

In most cases, wounds should heal within 7-10 days. However, if you continue to experience disturbing symptoms after tooth extraction, you should contact your dentist.