Black teeth in the mouth can spoil a person’s smile and affect their self-confidence. In addition, black teeth can be a symptom of a disease that needs to be treated.

What are the causes of blackened teeth and how to get rid of this nuisance?

What gives teeth color?

The teeth are usually white, whitish-yellow and whitish-gray in color. The white shade of the teeth is given by calcium, which is contained in the hard outer shell of the tooth – enamel. However, there may be combinations of other materials in the teeth that will add shades of gray and yellow.

Tooth enamel begins to thin over time, and another layer known as dentin shows through. This can make the teeth darker. Tooth enamel can also be stained externally.

Why do teeth turn black?

Blackening of teeth is usually due to one of two typical causes: external or internal. External causes are stains, tartar or other damage that affects tooth enamel.

Internal damage starts inside the tooth and progresses outward. For example, caries.

Blackening of the teeth can begin with a brown or gray spot on the teeth.

In other cases, black spots similar to point areas appear on the upper part of the teeth, just below the gum line. This phenomenon is typical for children.

Common places for black tartar to appear on the teeth are the inside of the lower front teeth or the outside of the canines.

As a rule, the tooth does not turn black in a day, it happens after a certain time. Ideally, a person can see a dentist before the damage becomes too extensive.

Common causes of blackened teeth

  1. Caries is caused by bacteria that destroy tooth enamel and leave small holes that take on a dark appearance;
  2. Restoration of teeth. Fillings and crowns that contain amalgam, particularly silver sulfide, can cause teeth to appear black.
  3. Tooth injury.
  4. Dyeing. Consuming dark-colored foods or drinks, such as tea and cola, can stain your teeth.
  5. Taking certain medications.
  6. Tartar. Hard plaque that can build up on the teeth and usually appears below the gum line. Some forms of tartar are black.
  7. Tobacco. Smoking or chewing tobacco can significantly stain your teeth.
  8. Death of tooth tissues (pulpitis). When a tooth dies, the blood supply that gives the tooth its natural healthy color stops. Because the tooth does not receive the nutrients it needs, it begins to necrotize, darken, die, and slowly turn black.
  9. A large amount of fluoride in the body.

In most cases, blackening of the teeth requires treatment, and in some – removal of the affected tooth.

However, in some parts of the world, black teeth are considered beautiful. Many years ago, women from countries such as Japan, Laos and Vietnam painted their teeth black. This practice is no longer popular, but some elderly women from these countries may have black teeth.

How to treat black teeth?

A person usually cannot cure blackened teeth even with the best home care.

The dentist will examine your teeth, determine the underlying causes and recommend treatment.

If the cause is black tartar, the doctor can remove it using special tools.

If the patient has been diagnosed with caries, the dentist can place a filling. If the decay has reached the dentin or the inner material under the tooth enamel, you may need a crown.

Sometimes a tooth can be so damaged or decayed that it cannot be saved. In these cases, the dentist may recommend tooth extraction.

Black teeth that are heavily stained can be treated with professional stain removal and whitening.

Some dentists may recommend veneers to improve the appearance of your teeth.

Black teeth in children

Black teeth in a child are most often caused by caries. At the initial stage, light spots appear on children’s teeth, which after some time become dark brown.

In addition to the fact that caries looks unaesthetic, it poses a serious threat to the health of the child’s oral cavity in the future. Caries leads to many dangerous complications.

The reason for the blackening of a child’s tooth can also be trauma.

How to avoid dark spots on teeth

To keep your teeth healthy and looking their best, we recommend following these tips:

  • practice good oral hygiene, brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste;
  • avoid using nicotine products such as cigarettes, chewing tobacco, or cigars;
  • visit the dentist for a check-up and regular professional teeth cleaning.

Talk to your dentist about professional whitening and any additional steps you should take to protect the health of your teeth.